Mother’s Helper, Blend

(33 customer reviews)


Ingredients: Mitragyna speciosa

The counterpart to Father's Helper.

Mother's helper contains Red Malay, Green Malay and Green MD. It is a well rounded blend. Tuck it away for a busy day, a rainy day, a stressful day. A blend of these makes this blend quite balanced.
What's with the name? Don't worry, there is no real gender assignment to this blend. The idea is that sometimes Mom has a lot going on at once and needs to hustle and relax at the same time. Non-parents and men applicable also.

Additional information


1 Ounce, 2 Ounce, 4 Ounce, 8 Ounce, 12 Ounce, 1 Pound, One Kilogram

33 reviews for Mother’s Helper, Blend

  1. Lisa (verified owner)

    Mother’s helper is the bee’s knees love it

  2. Lanie Craig (verified owner)

    Mother’s helper gets me motivated and going for a busy work day. Plus helps keep my stress in check for a smooth it!

  3. Lisa Gates

    Love Mother’s Helper for some great daytime. This was one of my first blends to order and it is one of my favorites.

  4. Michele Eastman (verified owner)

    Mothers helper definitely stands up to its name. Ive ordered it again this week. Ive tried several different vendors and blends but hands down GRB is the bomb and mothers helper is perfect.

  5. Linda (verified owner)

    Just tried Mother’s Helper for the first time and love it! It’s friday and just finished a week of work, very tired, but not now…feel like I’m ready to tackle the world! Thanks GRB!

  6. Candace Box

    Perfect for daytime! Truly lives up to its name!

  7. Lauren Gossum (verified owner)

    I just tried some mothers helper and I just love it.

  8. Melissa Bryan (verified owner)

    Great for daytime

  9. Mazimillian

    My second favorite blend from GRB, this Mothers Helper. Is everything I need. Wonderful blissful vibes. A must have from GRB

  10. Rebecca Medina (verified owner)

    This one was a great one for me!

  11. Tina Curtis (verified owner)

    The Name says it all. This is my goal too for those busy days being a Mom. Keep up with daily stuff and just puts me in a great mood. Dads, this would be great for you too.

  12. brooke.fleming97 (verified owner)

    I love it! Makes me happy 🙂

  13. Stevie Webb (verified owner)

    I love love love this! I can use it any time of day, and it always hits the spot.

  14. Elizabeth Zelinski (verified owner)

    good for me in late afternoon for chores.

  15. 420somuchtochange (verified owner)

    It’s a good strain for me !!

  16. morr468

    Nice all around good blend for me

  17. koimadd

    Didn’t put in previous order and I sure did miss it. It is a must have IMO. I just cannot live without. Works better for me than some of the other blends. Won’t forget to not add it again!

  18. Susana Spiegel

    Great strain for me. Gives me and energy and mood lift during the day ???

  19. Samai Marshall (verified owner)

    A definite favorite. Bought several times and will continue. I love experience.

  20. Leslie

    Mother’s Helper is my Absolute Favorite, go to blend by far! If I could buy only 1 blend…this is my magic bullet and I’ll Never be without it! Thanks guys for adding this sample!! Thank you for all of your help and kindness!!

  21. Melissa Bryan (verified owner)

    Helps me be able to work on my feet all day.

  22. Michele Eastman (verified owner)

    This is an Awesome blend for me. I’ve ordered several times

  23. jaime.brodene

    I really enjoyed this blend. Definitely one of my favorites!

  24. kbwalker10 (verified owner)

    Mother’s Helper is awesome for me!

  25. April Asher-Sadahiro

    Great for me!

  26. bkramplima

    First time trying this blend, and I loved it! I love anything with Malay.

  27. bkramplima

    Greatfor me to get alot accomplished on those lazy days! I’m new to the malay strains, and I’m loving it!!

  28. Liz Waeltz (verified owner)

    I noticed my child’s behavior in school is usually a reflection of when I have Mothers Helper. When I don’t drink this tea first thing in the morning our before school routine is a mess and I’m that yelling mom. This starts my son’s day off on a bad note and he is in a negative space before he even gets to school but it is then hard for him to adjust to a more positive, rule following student. When I do drink this I am calm cool and actually fun in the mornings. We are on time, we are all happy, and in turn he has a great day. LOVE my mothers helper.

  29. Trista sarasin (verified owner)

    This is my favorite blend! As a mother of 6, mothers helper allows me to keep up with my busy schedule. It’s truly the best imo!

  30. Jason Myerscough (verified owner)

    Love this blend. Don’t let the name of it deter you men from trying this blend it’s not gender specific lol. I use this in the morning in place of my coffee. It a must try.

  31. Auni Dee

    Very nice! This one will get your dishes done quick- or any other mundane task thats too overwhelming! Thanks for the beaucoup mixture- it definitely floats my boat!

  32. Jessica Pressler

    Top 3 for sure! But Malays are the best for me!

  33. Cd

    This stuff really is as good for me as all the reviews say. I make sure to always have some on hand now.

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